Sunday, March 23, 2014

Kick-Ass Strategies Stopping Smoking Habits

Kick-Ass Strategies Stopping Smoking Habits
Kick-Ass Strategies Stopping Smoking Habits 

Kick-Ass Strategies Stopping Smoking Habits  We know that Indonesia is the world's largest cigarette consuming. Sad to hear that, but that's reality that lie ahead. Subhanallah. We know that smoking is bad for health? Numerous diseases caused by smoking can even cause death. 

Diseases caused by smoking among others:

• Heart disease and stroke
• Lung cancer
• Oral cancer
• Cataracts
• Psoriasis
• Hair loss
• Impotence

In western countries the male and female smoking are a common sight. But for our country as a State Asia is famous for its courtesy and ketimurannya culture, has now changed as western countries. Namely boy who was in grade school, junior high and high school who used to if smoking should be clandestinely now instead blatantly smoking in public. The most sad is that even today many women who smoke and even teenage girls have also felt the joy of smoking. Subhanallah.

I have a real story about teenage girls who smoke. At that moment a teenage girl sitting at school postal substation right in front of my house with some friends brother. There calmly lit a cigarette girl and suck it like a smoker who has been accustomed to shamelessly again. I am up to his chest, because he was doing something in public without an awkward and embarrassed. Well, that's the reality that exists in Indonesia today this. Have you lost traditional oriental, because eroded age.

Well, I still have one more story, but God willing, this story can inspire you as a postscript smokers to quit smoking. Sorry, yes the story again ni he .. he .. he ... Before the marriage my husband was a heavy smokers, every day could spend three packs of cigarettes. Understandably wrote my husband's profession is a field worker. He said that once again dizzy with his work could spend up to four packs of cigarettes. It redundant, isn't it? wasted money only to the extent of satisfaction inhale toxic fumes alone. However, before I married him promised to quit smoking and it was implemented until our wedding 4 years old today. And if I ask what recipe? The answer's just simple intention of the self, a sense of suggestion and ate candy mints.

For more details, here are some tip's smoking cessation based on the experience my husband:

1. Intend in yourself that you can, could and can quit smoking
2. Sugestikan to yourself that you can show others that you are able to quit smoking. That by smoking you will only be wasting money and damaging your own health
3. Prepare always in your pocket MINT'S CANDY, so if you want to smoke you can directly take mint's. And supposedly he said in an often consume a mint's the taste of cigarettes was bland.
4. Avoid drinking coffee and eating a spicy-food
5. Drink plenty of water

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