Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Benefits Of Onion For Health

The Benefits Of Onion For Health
The Benefits Of Onion For Health 

The Benefits Of Onion For Health  Onion is one of most common spice used in daily cooking. When we make burger or sandwich, it won’t be a tasteful one without onion. But actually, onion’s function is not merely for cooking purpose, but this spice is also very useful for our health.

Since 4000 years ago, onion has been used by the Egyptian and Indian for health purpose. Some story said that Egyptian is using 9 tons of gold to bought onions as a main food for Pyramid workers. They believe that onions can give strength for doing heavy task.

Hippocrates, ancient Greek medician, said that onion (or “dungari” as he said) can be used to cure wound and lungs inflammation. Onion essence mixed with honey can also be used as medicine for cough.

Onion can also be used to cure skin bruise. One teaspoon of onion mixed with essence plus one teaspoon of vinegar, and then rubbed on the bruised skin. It is believed that putting onion slice under the pillow will make a better sleep.

Onion contains various kind of nutrition such as allicin, amino acid, calcium, mangan, sodium, sulfur, vitamin c, vitamin e, asiri oil, quercitin, and curcumin. Nutrition in onions is useful to suppress the level of bad cholesterol in blood, increase the number of good cholesterol up to 30%, loosen the constriction of blood levels, reduce sniffles, reduce stomachache, reduce sugar amount in blood, prevent cancer, prevent the insulin broke in heart, stimulate insulin production in pancreas, and resist the osteoporosis attack.

Patient with hypertension or blood vessel constriction also recommended to eat onion for the allicin in onion can prevent blood plague, and the blood can flow smoothly.

Allicin produced by onions is containing a series of amino acids, minerals, such as calcium, manganese, sodium, sulfur, vitamin C & E, essential oils, sulfur and flavonoids. Allicin is an antioxidant that can boost the body's resistance and immunity, so it can work actively and effectively as antivirus.

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