Sunday, March 23, 2014

Using Avocado Seeds to Cure Diabetes

Using Avocado Seeds to Cure Diabetes
Using Avocado Seeds to Cure Diabetes 

Using Avocado Seeds to Cure Diabetes, The most important thing for patient with diabetes is to maintain healthy eating habits. Food with less sugar will be highly recommended. Fruit consumption will also be dilemmatic problem for diabetic patient; they have to think twice to eat all the sweet fruit.

Patient with diabetes should choose fruit which has low glucose. Fruit with high alcohol content such as durian are better abandoned. However, there's some fruit that beneficially for diabetes patient, avocado is one of them.

Avocado, or in Latin called persea americana, originally came from Mexico. This fruit contains single seed of the tree. Avocado mostly cultivated in tropical and mediterranean climates.

The avocado tree can grows to 20 meters. The leaves arranged about 12 to 25 centimeters. The flower had greenish yellow color. This fruit is kind of subtropical food that need warm climate without frost and with little wind. High wind can reduce the humidity and dehydrate the flowers.

Avocado contains almost 20 beneficial nutrients such as fiber, potassium, vitamin E, B vitamins and folid acid. This fruit is also enabling body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrient such as alpha and beta carotene and lutein.

The seed of avocado is beneficial in diabetes treatment with its function to reduce blood sugar level, improving blood circulation, and help to fix the function of pancreas.

There are 2 kinds of methods to use avocado seed:

First method:
  •     Avocado seeds are grilled but do not get burned, just enough to make it dry a bit.
  •     Cut the seeds into small pieces.
  •     Boiled the small pieces of seeds with approximately 3 or 4 glass of water
  •     Wait until the water are brown colored.
  •     Filter the water and drink when its warm 

Second method:
  •     Slice the avocado seeds
  •     Dry it in the sun
  •     Fry the slice without using oil
  •     Put the slice into blender, and blend it until all crashed like powder
  •     Put the powder into capsule shell (you can bought it at drugstore)
  •     Eat the capsule once a day. 

In my opinion, the second method is more practical, and you can bring the capsule anywhere when you are in traveling. 

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