Friday, August 17, 2018

Mangosteen Skin Juice to Cure Tumor

Many people say that tumor is as same as cancer, but actually both of them are different. Cancer is condition of uncontrollable cell growth, and tumor is condition when the cell growth is abnormal and creating lesions. In many cases, tumor can cause bump in some of body part. Tumor can be divided into two kinds; the malignant and the tame.
There are some potential factor can cause tumor, which is:

  • Active smoker and drug user. The nicotine in smoke and addictive substance in drugs can destroy human immunity.
  • Too much alcohol consumption
  • Sun radiation can cause skin tumor
  • Unhealthy live style
  • Obesity
  • Genetic inheritance

Its not easy to cure tumor, especially the malignant tumor, even if using modern medicine tools. But there is a traditional recipe to cure tumor using mangosteen skin.

Nature has provide us with many kind of plants, animal, and other resources that can be uses as medical purpose. One of the natural medicine is mangosteen skin.

Mangosteen or garcinia mangostana contain antioxidant and anti-cancer which can deal with malignant disease such as tumor. Mangosteen skin contain more xanthone than other kind of fruit. Mangosteen skin also contain tanin which can slow down the growth of cancer and tumor cells. Consuming mangosteen skin juice regularly help to avoid tumor. For you who already has the disease, the substance such as xantone and tanin may hel to slow down and destroy the tumor cell in the body.

Its not too difficult to make the mangosteen skin juice, these are the few step:
  1. Prepare 3-5 mangosteen fruit
  2. Peel the mangosteen skin, scrape the red coloured part of the skin. The black part is not used so you can throw it away.
  3. Blend the red coloured part of mangosteen skin, you can also add honey or another ingridients
  4. Drink the mangosteen juice after meal
    Mangosteen skin juice

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